Does anyone else ever notice that when you get more information, it often leads to more questions? This has definitely been an issue for me on this journey to motherhood. There are endless questions swirling around my head at any given moment about this whole experience.
My husband and I recently went to a course that is required before you begin the IVF process. It was a one-night class that is pretty much an information overload class of the IVF process from start to finish. Science has never been my strong suit, and there was A LOT of science in this class. But we definitely received a lot of valuable information. I feel I have a better understanding of what the actual science behind IVF is, but don't ask me to explain it to you!
After the class we scheduled an appointment with our doctor, Dr. Lynch, and before that appointment, we made a long list of questions. Working with Dr. Lynch so far has been a phenomenal experience. She has a very calming and encouraging effect on me, which is clearly something I need! So we asked her all of our questions and we got answers to all of them. We have signed consents to begin the process (yay!) and she has given us the name of the IVF coordinating registered nurse that we will call to move on to the next step, and answer more questions. From what I understand, after we speak with the RN, she will assign our (my) medication regiment to help stimulate my egg production. She will also answer more questions that we have with regards to our gestational carrier and questions we have about insurance coverage
My most burning questions, which no one seems to be able to give a straight answer to, is how long this whole process takes before there's a baby in somebody's oven! I hear about how long the process is but "long" is a little vague for me. I need a checklist and a timeline and a step-by-step instruction sheet on how to get Baby Saint home to us! Patience has never been my strong suit...
What questions do you all have about this process? What would be your first question to the doctor? It seems like questions only lead to more questions and it's all very complicated and confusing. Surprisingly, I don't find myself getting overwhelmed too often yet. Sure, sometimes it's exhausting just to think about all the work we have to do just to become a family of three, but most of the time, I just want to get it all started. But I guess we already have done that! So I just want to know what to do next! And then what after that? When will I feel like the ball is rolling? When I'm taking my medication? When they retrieve my eggs? When our carrier is pregnant?
The more answers we get, the more questions we have. But we keep asking and we keep moving forward because our family isn't whole yet, but it will be.
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